
Elizabeth Lee Scherer & Digital Copy, LLC
What is your inner voice telli

Liz was born a writer. In fact, she knew, even at a very young age that the written word, when placed on paper, could influence, engage, heal, thrill, enlighten and touch. What a powerful gift and yet, what a frightening gift. What could she do with this honor that she had been given? After all, the life of an artist is a life of struggle, of fighting to be heard and acknowledged, a life that was not well understood by her family. And yet, over time, as her gift developed and she learned to tame its tempestuous nature, she began to understand how she could use this gift to serve, not only herself, but others as well.


At first, it was poems, short stories, characters, situations, challenges, resolutions. But Liz kept asking herself: What am I supposed to "do" with this, this gift, this urge, this addiction? Liz persisted through school, reading other writers, creating, learning, growing her gift, growing herself, knowing herself and her needs. And yet,that thing, that little voice inside her head kept nagging away at her behind the scenes: "you've got to 'do' not just create.

Do. What does that mean, Liz thought. "Do." I'm 17, I'm in high school, I've been accepted at University. I'm taking AP English and writing and doing, aren't I? So, like many 17 year olds, she ignored the call to "do" and instead, 'didn't.' Mind you, Liz's 'didn't' wasn't equivocal to dropping out; rather, it was about stopping and listening, acknowledging and growing, understanding the breadth and width of the talent, its shortcomings and limitations and the things that were needed to form a plan.

Challenge: Liz can write but she have been sent to university to learn and find a career. Writing is not going to cut it in her family, most of whom have been in the financial, legal or engineering professions. So how can she leverage her talent in a way that is acceptable to family expectations?

Flashback to university: Liz loves helping women, she has devoted a portion of her time to to volunteering at a battered woman's hotline. For the first time in her life, there's a glimmer of interest in health and science, something she's never liked or been interested in before.

Flashback: Liz finds herself taking a lot of political science courses. The exams are brutally tough but they are teaching her to think. evaluate and express herself in ways she's never done so before. Moreover, her syllabi always include fine writers, Dostoyevski and Dos Passos, for example.

Flashback: Liz loves comparative literature. She loves the thought process that forms the foundation for different forms of writing from different cultures, writing that transcends boundaries and unites and relates to film and other art forms, writing that expels preconceptions and breaks down barriers and creates novel partnerships and unions in previously unimagined ways.

As Liz moved closer to graduation, she realized that her choices, which at first had seemed so random, had created a direction: women, analysis, and problem solving. She had a direction. And while she finally knew what to do, how to do it was an entirely different story. 

The 'Ah ha" for Liz was a process of elimination; she knew that chances were slim that she could become a successful creative writer. But if she could find a way to leverage her talent into a career that required analytical and writing skills while still feeding her soul, she knew that her journey would be a satisfying one. However, she still had a ways to go to realize that dream.

Professional issue
Today, Liz is a professional writer. She specializes in health, wellness and medicine and has a special interest in women's issues and aging. She earns her living writing, consulting and marketing. The biggest challenge for Liz has been staying relevant, current, unique and valuable to her clients and to her audience in an ever-changing and burgeoning industry. 
Liz came out of university with a liberal arts degree. She entered healthcare public relations, a career that she disliked but one that allowed her to continue to grow her writing and analysis skills and add marketing to the mix. When she left PR, she started a medical writing business, turning those skills she had honed while in public relations on herself. At the start, Liz specialized in education and journal writing but when the digital world exploded, so did Liz's choices and her drive. And so, Liz honed her internet writing skills and incorporated reporting, websites, features for women's magazines and webzines, interactive programs, scripts and copy for interactive advertising into her offerings.  Liz prides herself on her evolution and has relied on a consistent willingness to learn, listen and network with mentors and leaders who can propel her forward into new avenues and offerings. One important thing that Liz has never allowed her to do is give up her voice; even in her professional writing, her style is natural and conversational.
Personal issue
As successful as Liz has been in her career, she has had to battle inner and outer demons that have tried to convince her that she is not quite good enough. Born into a family where success is measured by dollars and not happiness, Liz realized at a very early age that she would have to rebel, trust her instincts and inner voice and follow her calling. It was only until Liz did this that her journey took a turn in the right direction. Still, finding balance has been challenging for her.
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