
Lisa Ann Manyon & Write On ~ Creative Writing Services LLC.
MAJOR CATEGORY WINNER: Powerfully Communicating Your Marketing Message to Increase Results

To some life seems like such a struggle. Perhaps you are in a relationship that really doesn’t serve you. Maybe you aren’t doing what you absolutely love every day. Regardless of what the “it” is that you think you’re missing, it all boils down to control. We try to control all aspects of our life but control is actually confining if not approached in the right way.

This may not make sense to you… yet. Hang in there. I really do have a point to make. When you constantly stick with the same routine, you get the same results.  If you try to control other people and things instead of taking control of your own actions and behaviors, you get more of the same.

I have to admit that I am a recovering control freak. Sad but true, I embraced control in a way that kept my life from being fully delicious. Once I realized what I was doing, I made changes, BIG changes and I now live the life I love. I quit my soul – sucking job (although it really is a great place to work for some…), my husband and I divorced and I took charge (notice not control) of my health and wellness.

This is my story. I’ll either sink or I’ll swim. It’s all up to me. Come along as I share the art of the freefall…


Let’s start with my lifelong dream of being a writer. Together with my best gal pal, in 4th grade we started the first ever school newspaper. We called it The Old-timer and produced it on a mimeograph machine. From there I continued to write bad poetry, dabble in advertising and journalism in high school and college and finally landed an ad agency job that ended up burning me out. I resigned to create my business in 2003 (the same year I got married) and continued to build it while working a part time “day job”. 

I was determined that 2007 and would be the best year ever. After all, 7 is my lucky number and my career was skyrocketing. Although my marriage of almost 4 years had met some challenges, I felt good about creating a life I had always dreamed of. 

Then one day things changed. It was early March. I was busily cleaning house because my friend and coach Christina Merkley was popping by. So, I was taking extra care to dust some cobwebs that admittedly needed the attention.

I planted some bulbs in my planters on the porch. I was having a nice day puttering around the house. I decided to pry some wax out of a mesh candle holder and somehow my hand slipped. The oversized butter knife I was using slid down my hand with great force. At the same time I pulled away. From there things went a little fuzzy. I couldn’t really feel my finger. Just tingling and then blood. I am a wimp when it comes to blood. Then I couldn’t bend the pinky on my right hand. 

I was home alone and knew I needed to get somewhere quick. As a writer, my right hand is so important. I applied pressure. Something I somehow remembered to do thanks to first aid training in 4-H eons ago. And, I drove myself to Express Care. I was advised that my finger had only received bruising and trauma, just needed a stitch and would be fine in a few days.

A few days passed, my friend Christina came and went and I still couldn’t move my finger. When I returned to have my stitches removed it was confirmed that I needed to see a specialist. X-Rays and a doctors visit resulted in a scheduled surgery. In March I had my first surgery and spent several months as the “one handed wonder”. It was a true challenge but I refused to give up hope. 

I invested in voice recognition technology so I could complete my writing projects. And with bandaged hand and pain medicated mind, I drove myself to and from physical therapy.

Keep in mind I had a part time job I was working while building my business. The part time job came to a screeching halt. Luckily the company I worked for offered disability. Still it was a challenge.

Two surgeries later (apparently I have the worlds fastest forming scar tissue and this necessitated a tendon release), learning to work one handed while writing (did I mention it’s my right hand) my life now looks really different.

Fast forward to today. As I write this I am in my home office. My dog is whining because he wants to go outside. My husband and I are divorced. I resigned from my “day job” 3 years ago and I've really started living. My business is now 7 years strong and I've been successfully doing my thing fulltime for 3 years.

Despite not knowing how I'd make ends meet, I've managed. Two short years ago I joined a high-level mastermind with my mentor Ali Brown. I have $300 in my bank account and no idea how I'd pay for the close to $20,000 investment. Thankfully my due diligence paid off. Not only have I been featured in Ali magazine: a full color, high quality, subscription based publication distributed internationally via mail to 40,000 subscribers, I was selected as a finalist in Brown’s Platinum Excellence Awards and presented my success story at Brown’s Shine Discover Your True Wealth conference in Las Vegas, Nevada on November 3rd, 2010 to a crowd of over 500 entrepreneurs. I shared my Millionaire Protégé Club success story that includes gaining over 38 new clients (a number that increased since the original interview with Ali Magazine) from being involved in the mentorship program.

Today I'm proud to say I went from having only $300 in my bank account to enjoying five figure months.  I share this because you can do anything you put your mind to.  I’m also now a featured writer for Star Lee Magazine – Success on Your Own Terms and my first article appeared in the same issue that showcased and interview with the marketing God himself, Seth Godin. My article can be accessed by visiting my online media kit here I also serve on the advisory Council for the Women Speaker Association I continue to grow my business and market primarily online with my website and blog My clients are sprinkled across the globe.

I am blessed to be creating and designing the life of dreams. Personally I’m still single and it’s hard doing it all on my own. Although I’m told from outside looking in that it seems like a breeze. It’s far from that but I’m learning to love myself and make sure that I’m treated with the love and respect I deserve in all areas of my life. I share more about this in a chapter I wrote for the book Success Rituals 2.O –Winning Habits of High-Achieving Women: How she does it and you can too. 

I know that the best is yet to come but there are still days I stop and look back on my life in awe. It’s amazing what you can do when you decide it’s what you want and you take determined action. I keep a Journal of Success for those challenging days. It helps to flip through the pages and focus on the journey and accomplishments. Remember this is NOT a dress rehearsal. What are your successes? What are you most proud of? Are you designing the life of your dreams?